Journal of the Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association | Volume 22, Number 1 (2022) |
Exploring Political Communication Through Strategic Artist-Candidate Relationships: The Case of a Southern Political-Celebrity Nexus in the 1976 Presidential Election
Lori Amber Roessner
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lindsey Bier
University of Southern California
The purpose of this study is to offer insight into strategic relationships between U.S. presidential candidates and music artists and to understand the meanings of such relationships in the context of political communication. Through an analysis of U.S. media sources, archival documents, and interview data, this study investigates music industry involvement in the 1976 presidential campaign. Specifically, this study examines Jimmy Carter’s mutually-beneficial relationship with music artist Charlie Daniels via Phil Walden, the founder of Capricorn Records. The findings show Southerness as an overall theme: Both Carter and Daniels shared an affinity for Southern music, language, religion, and pride. Motivated by Carter’s honesty in the aftermath of a credibility gap, Daniels performed campaign fundraising concerts that, in conjunction with the candidate’s relationship with other artists and music executives such as Walden, exposed a new brand of political-celebrity nexus.
Keywords: political communication, music, Jimmy Carter, Charlie Daniels, Phil Walden
Roessner, Lori Amber, and Lindsey Bier. “Exploring Political Communication Through Strategic Artist-Candidate Relationships: The Case of a Southern Political-Celebrity Nexus in the 1976 Presidential Election." Journal of the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association 22, no. 1 (2022): 111-134.