Journal of the Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association | Volume 23, Number 1 (2023) |
Uniting an Industry: Billboard’s International Music Industry Conferences, 1969-1985
Madeleine Liseblad
California State University, Long Beach
Gregory Pitts
Middle Tennessee State University
Billboard’s International Music Industry Conference (IMIC) was where tough industry topics such as piracy were tackled, where technology debuted, where networking thrived, and where significant business deals were made. IMIC changed the traditional rules; decision-makers openly met to plan for the future as a united and collective industry. The conference immediately proved its significance; the Universal Numbering Systems Action Committee (UNSAC) was formed to pursue a universal numbering system for the recording industry at the first conference. The second conference began the process that ultimately led to the 1971 Geneva Convention against phonogram piracy. During its sixteen-year span—and thirteen conferences—IMIC brought a global industry together. A lack of finances ultimately led to its demise.
Keywords: Billboard, Music, International, Music Conference, Lee Zhito, IMIC
Liseblad, Madeleine, and Gregory Pitts. “Uniting an Industry: Billboard’s International Music Industry Conferences, 1969-1985." Journal of the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association 23, no. 1 (2023): 49-79.