The MEIEA board stands in solidarity with the fight against systemic racism and oppression of any kind. We do this hand in hand with our colleagues, students, and peers in the music and entertainment industries and in recognition of those hurting within the Black community. The entertainment industry and greater global culture owe a debt of gratitude to the inspiring artists, entrepreneurs, and other influencers of color who have made invaluable contributions to our daily lives and histories. It is high time their equity and agency be celebrated, recognized, and protected.
Black lives matter, and as an organization whose primary goal is to facilitate an exchange of information between educators and practitioners, we realize that our industry and campuses are fraught with discrimination of many sorts.
While the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association is not a political organization, we believe that all of us have a responsibility to confront racism and discrimination in any form. We cannot—and should not—yearn for a return to the status quo when the status quo is clearly broken for so many.
As an educational organization, our job centers around the reciprocal nature of learning and community building. Our students are inspired young creatives working to both launch a career and build a life in an increasingly complicated world. Their light is dimmed and our own futures diminished if their paths involve discrimination, shame, or violence in any form. It is incumbent upon us to develop actions in contribution to safe and equitable learning environments that will empower this next generation so that they may help build a more just and sustainable society.
To this end, we will: